Castel Roncolo

Castle Runkelstein in Bolzano

The original fortress of the Runkelstein Castle in Bolzano in South Tyrol was built in 1237 by the von Wangen Lords.

By the end of XIVth century, the rooms were frescoed and inspiration was taken from literary works of the period, among which the tragic love story of "Tristan and Isolde".

Knight Room
Knight Room

The cycle of profane paintings is the most prestigious of Medieval times.

The Dolomites

Climbing in the best known and spectacular mountains in the Alps

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Sciliar plateau
Sciliar plateau

The highest plateau in Europe, situated in the middle of the Dolomites

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The Iceman and his clothes, belongings and weapons at the museum in Bolzano

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Merano's Alta Via
Merano's Alta Via

The path 24 encompasses the reserve of the Tessa mountains

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